
If I had the chance to give one person a gift there, needing the most It would probably be my sister. She had her second kid. She’s a girl named Penelope, and I would give my sister necessities she needs for her like diapers and formula because even though money’s tight with us. Even though me and her we’re on bad terms because I said somethings I’m not too proud of she may not think it but I really care about her. and she’s still my sister after all, I’ve just been too stubborn to apologize. I know that’s bad, but that’s what siblings do it just scares me that I haven’t talked to her in months, I guess the only reason why I haven’t apologize because my ego got into the way. It’s been tearing me apart. I’ve been feeling so guilty, so I would give my sister the gift and then probably apologize to her for the things that I said.

image4you / Pixabay

25 Things I’m Grateful For






My health


Ability to walk

Ability to talk

Ability to be in school

Ability to play sports



Good Friends

Learning from mistakes

Breathing fresh air


Waking up today


Ability to learn



Work ethic



Ode to Track

Track a sport where there is no limit
Where I can run faster than lightning
Strikes and people who can jump higher
Then the mountain tops the endless medals
You give to the best of the best
The binds you’ve built stronger than steel
Track your one of the best sports known to man
You have changed my life for the better so thank you

100 Word Memoir

I was pacing rapidly in the waiting room in the afternoon out of school. I didn’t bring a change of clothes, my mouth felt dry as I bit into the peanut butter crackers. I was munching on my dry crackers I heard the intercom saying
“Welcome Grayson Smith.”
“Is that him?” I asked

“Well, he is the newest member of our family.” My Dad answered a lady told us to follow her to see my nephew when I got to see him I just thought to myself that I’m going to be the best uncle to him no matter what.