
If I had the chance to give one person a gift there, needing the most It would probably be my sister. She had her second kid. She’s a girl named Penelope, and I would give my sister necessities she needs for her like diapers and formula because even though money’s tight with us. Even though me and her we’re on bad terms because I said somethings I’m not too proud of she may not think it but I really care about her. and she’s still my sister after all, I’ve just been too stubborn to apologize. I know that’s bad, but that’s what siblings do it just scares me that I haven’t talked to her in months, I guess the only reason why I haven’t apologize because my ego got into the way. It’s been tearing me apart. I’ve been feeling so guilty, so I would give my sister the gift and then probably apologize to her for the things that I said.

image4you / Pixabay